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Built-In Namespace _global_

Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description

Creates an abstract method in a class.


Creates a final method in a class, or creates a final class.


Creates a static property or method in a class or interface.

Method Detail: $abstract
{Object} $abstract(method)

Creates an abstract method in a class. This is a property modifier for use within a $class.descriptor.

An abstract method has no implementation and prevents the class from being instantiated. A class with any abstract methods is inherently abstract; the class itself does not need to be (and cannot be) marked as absract. Any class that extends an abstract class is also abstract, unless it implements (overrides) all inherited abstract methods. The abstract modifier may only be applied to non-$final and non-$static methods.

Debug version errors:


// abstract class that implements some algorithm, 
// but leaves some details unspecified
$class("AbstractBase", {
  // returns an array of numbers
  getData: $abstract(function() {}),
  // "protected" implementation detail of some algorithm.
  _shouldAddValue: $abstract(function(value) {}),
  // the algorithm that uses the abstract methods
  performSomeAlgorithmWithData: $final(function() {
    var data = this.getData();
    var result = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
      if (this._shouldAddValue(data[i]) {
        result += data[i];
    return result;

// class that implements the abstract methods
$class("Implementation", {
  $extends: AbstractBase,
  $constructor: function(data) {
    this._data = data;
  getData: function() {
    return this._data;
  _shouldAddValue: function(value) {
    return value > 0;

var abstractBase = new AbstractBase(); // ERROR!

var impl = new Implementation([1, -5, 9, -10, 5]);
alert(impl.performSomeAlgorithmWithData()); // alerts "15"

Defined in: class-debug.js.
{Function} method
A function. The function itself is not actually used, but it must be provided. This both allows for a sanity check that you aren not trying to create an abstract property (can't be done) and provides a convenient place for you to declare/document the arguments.
{Object} Something magical that, when assigned to a property of a $class.descriptor, causes an abstract method to be created.
Method Detail: $final
{Object} $final(method)

Creates a final method in a class, or creates a final class. This is a property modifier for use within a $class.descriptor.

A final method is not allowed to be overridden by descendent classes. The final modifier can also be applied to the $class.descriptor#$constructor of a class to prevent the class from being overridden althogether. The final modifier may only be applied to non-$abstract and non-$static methods.

Debug version errors:


// extend this class to inherit a unique ID
$class("UniquelyIdentifiable", {
  $constructor: function() {
    this._id = "UniquelyIdentifiable_" + (UniquelyIdentifiable._idCounter++);
  // If this method were ever overridden to do something different, it could
  // break the contract of this class (promises a unique ID). Making it final
  // keeps it completely within control of this class.
  getId: $final(function() {
    return this._id;
  _idCounter: $static(0)

Defined in: class-debug.js.
{Function} method
The implementation of the final method.
{Object} Something magical that, when assigned to a property of a {@link $class.descriptor), causes a final method to be created.
Method Detail: $static
{Object} $static(value)

Creates a static property or method in a class or interface. This is a property modifier for use within a $class.descriptor or $interface.descriptor.

A static property/method is accessible as a property of the class or interface without having an instance. Within static methods, the "this" keyword will refer to the class or interface to which the static method belongs. Static methods/properties are not inherited; you must access them on the exact class or interface in which they were defined. Note that static methods by definition cannot be made $abstract or $final.


$class("Sample", {
  $constructor: function(name, type) {
    this._name = name;
    this._type = type;
  equalTo: function(other) {
    return other 
        && other instanceof Sample
        && other._name == this._name
        && other._type == this._type;
  // static constants for indicating the "type"
  Type: $static({
    GOOD: 1,
    BETTER: 2,
    BEST: 3
  // static factory method
  createBestSample: $static(function(name) {
    // "this" in static methods refers to the class/constructor
    return new this(name, this.Type.BEST);

var sample1 = new Sample("Bob", Sample.Type.BEST);
var sample2 = Sample.createBestSample("Bob");

alert(sample1.equalTo(sample2)); // alerts "true"

Defined in: class-debug.js.
{mixed} value
Any value. May be a function.
{Object} Something magical that, when assigned to a property of a $class.descriptor or $interface.descriptor, causes a static property to be created.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Sat Nov 13 2010 01:18:48 GMT-0500 (EST)